

Recognized by many famous law firms, as well as legal divisions of a lot of Fortune 500 companies, our legal translations are accurate in both meaning and terminology, with smooth expressions, helping our clients to more easily understand their obligations and responsibilities, and rights and interests. Our works cover all aspects in the legal field, including but not limited to, Articles of Incorporation, Business Purchase Agreements, Lease Agreements, Construction Contract Agreements, Employment Agreements, End User License Agreements, Hold Harmless (Indemnity) Agreements, Joint Venture Agreements, Licensing Agreements, Loan Agreements, Non-Disclosure (Confidentiality) Agreements, Photo and Video Releases, Privacy Policies, Purchase Orders, Power of Attorney, Sales Agreements, Website Use Terms and Conditions, Counsel’s Bios, various litigation and appeal documents, patents, etc.


Accuracy is critical to medical translations. Our medical translation teams, which include medical professionals, can handle complex medical content from Chinese to English and vice versa.

We help medical institutions, from the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, through Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, to various community hospitals, to pass on their research results to Chinese readers.

For individual patients, we can tell your English-speaking doctors what exactly happened to your loves and then advise the doctors’ opinions to you in Chinese. The major area we are involved in for individual care is cancer treatment.


Our financial translations cover various documents, like surveys, bulletins, announcements, business plans, brochures, websites, etc., from insurance policies that require accurate translations as legal documents to website and brochure translations that demand integration of somewhat marketing elements into regular translations. Our clients include Royal Bank of Canada, Bank of American, Morgan Stanley, Manulife, Prudential, etc.


Different from specialty translations that target professions, the audience of community translations are general public who have less ability to understand complex expressions, which brings unique changes to translators. Translators need to balance easily understood expressions, the demand from the general public, and complicated legal and policy meanings, the demand from the service providers who require unerring delivery of meanings.


Our translation fields are not limited to these, and our strong multi-disciplinary Chinese translation team also can handle translations in other domains, including but not limited to tech, science, electricity, IT, construction, architecture, clothing, etc. One typical sample is SKF Evolution Magazine. We have served it for over 10 years. The Evolution, SKF’s technical magazine, is a typical mixed-style material. Evolution features a strong academic nature because its articles usually are written by industrial experts, doctors and professors and involve profound technologies, concepts, and principles. However, it is also marketing nature to promote SKF’s latest technologies and concepts.

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