欢迎来到金信翻译公司 – 所有人信赖的认证翻译!
Welcome To AllTrust Translations Inc. – Certified translations all trust!
- 加拿大最大的中文翻译公司。拥有多名全职中英译员,得到多个世界500强公司和众多个人的认可。我们是安省注册的有限责任公司。加拿大有限公司名称的后缀为Inc.、Ltd.、Corp或其全称Incorporation、Limited、Corporation。如果公司名称没有这些后缀,则为个体户(Sole proprietorship)。我们所有业务往来都采用企业邮箱 (service@alltrusttrans.com),不是Gmail、Outlook、Yahoo等公共邮箱。
- 自身拥有中英和英中双向认证资质。金信翻译由ATIO认证翻译师(Certified Translator) David Liu 先生创建和经营,其本人拥有中文到英文以及英文到中文的双向认证翻译资质。
- 各类中国证件认证/公证翻译(certified translation)后用于加拿大境内,包括中国驾照、车管所证明、身份证、结婚证、出生证明、无犯罪证明、银行流水等等。用于IRCC、OINP、Drive Test、CRA、银行贷款申请等目的。
- 各类海牙协议文书认证/公证翻译(Official Documents Services),将加拿大文件用于中国国内,包括诉讼委托书、房产交易委托书、同一人声明、放弃继承权声明等等。
- 只专注中英笔译业务。在专业分工高度精细的今日,我们将有限的精力集中在不断提高笔译(文件翻译)专业水准方面,不从事口译(口语翻译)业务,也不从事留学和移民咨询等业务,虽然我们为留学和移民客户翻译大量文件。
- 团队协作,保证质量。拥有成熟的工作流程,任何稿件都由一人翻译后,再由另一人校对,确保为您提供最高质量保证,相对于以个体形式经营的译员具有不可比拟的团队优势。
- 省去中间费用。在加拿大,资质是属于个人,和单位无关,这是许多新移民容易弄错的地方。许多移民机构、驾校、律所、翻译公司声称能做认证翻译,但实际他们只是中介的角色,他们也是找认证翻译师来帮您翻译,这其中会加收费用。您直接找我们翻译,还可以方便沟通。
Founded by ATIO-certified Chinese translator David Liu, AllTrust Translations Inc. (ALLTRUST), provides Chinese translations to various clients, from individuals to giant enterprises.
Unlike most translation agencies that use external freelancers, we are a group of Chinese translators, so you can enjoy direct communications with us in addition to high-quality translation works from us.
We only provide translations from Chinese to English and vice versa. We cover various Chinese variants, including Simplified Chinese, Hong Kong Traditional Chinese and Taiwan Traditional Chinese.
We offer services of translation-only and translation plus proofreading. If you have internal Chinese linguists, you may choose translation-only services. Otherwise, translation plus proofreading is better for you.
Why choose ALLTRUST as your Chinese translation provider?
- Experienced Chinese linguist team. Led by ATIO-certified translator David Liu, who has worked in the translation industry for nearly 20 years, our team has deep knowledge in various fields, such as medicine, law, finance, community, technology, etc. Our works have been recognized by many big names, including but not limited to, US Department of Justice, Milbank LLP, Royal Bank of Canada, National Comprehensive Cancer Network, SKF…
- Direct communications with translators. Typically, you, the client, have an internal Chinese reviewer, but the translation agency has no Chinese speaker. If you choose an agency, If your reviewer has any questions, he/she has to convert his/her questions into English and the agency forwards the questions to the translator. Then the translator has to answer the questions in English. You can imagine how funny the scenario is. Both Chinese speakers, the reviewer and the translator, have to use English to discuss Chinese details. Of course, the efficiency is very low. Most importantly, some questions cannot be solved in this way. In contrast, if you choose us as your provider, these issues will be easily solved.
- Save your cost. If you choose an agency, you will face double project management costs. Both the agency and the translator will do the same management work, like creating a task ID, transferring files, reviewing layout, accounting, office expenses, etc. All these costs will be paid by you, the client.